Timm Lux

Associate Director

Timm's relevant industrial experience includes: • General Manager Non-Ferrous Metals SMS group for: • Plant engineering for refining & recycling of electronic waste and lithium-ion batteries. Production of copper, nickel, lead, tin, silicon, PGMs, gold and silver from recycled material and concentrate. • Projects realized (selection): • First large scale E-waste recycling plant for the USA for Aurubis AG including a long-term cooperation agreement between SMS group and Aurubis • Various hydro & pyro plants for refining of nickel, copper and related NF metals • Recycling Plants for KGHM Poland, SPM Malaysia, Russian Copper Company, Russia • Development of low carbon processes for battery copper foil production and lithium-ion battery recycling • Coordination of the development of a digital twin for pyro-metallurgical recycling of e-waste and copper scrap • First large scale copper recycling plant in the US for AMES group, USA • Production of battery grade nickel from ferronickel for SNNC/POSCO, Korea • Pyrometallurgical equipment for Kansanshi Copper Mines (First Quantum Minerals), Zambia • Head of Marketing and Sales Andritz Metals – Non-Ferrous Metals Division Timm holds a graduate degree in mechanical engineering (Dipl.-Ing.) and a graduate degree in additional economics studies (Dipl.-Wirt.-Ing.) from RWTH Aachen University