Dr Rolf Degel

Vice President Non-Ferrous Metals and Alloys, SMS group GmbH

Starting at the RWTH University in Aachen, Rolf was involved in the development of carbon neutral iron and steel making solutions with great passion. Furthermore, he managed for several years the R+D department of a highly innovative steel plant in Thailand and assisted in the erection and operation of a new production concept. Rolf greatly broadened his horizon into non-ferrous metals being for almost 20 years the head for electric smelting furnace for the SMS group. These furnaces are in operation for the production and recycling of 60 different kind of metals, slags and minerals. Today, Rolf is the head of the non-ferrous metals department of SMS group, which is leading in developing highly efficient, innovative green and carbon-neutral solutions for the non-ferrous metals industry including solutions for WEEE, catalysts, waste, slags and deposits recycling. Non-ferrous metals are the key enabler for the circular economy. Furthermore, he is part of the expert team for SMS group specialized in the decarbonization strategy of SMS (#turningmetalsgreen).