Johan van Peperzeel


Johan van Peperzeel, director and shareholder of Van Peperzeel bv. Johan is married, has 3 children and his education is HTS Mechanical Engineering (1985). Johan van Peperzeel is since 1990 working at the family owned company Van Peperzeel bv, he is second generation and 2 of his children are today working at his company too. Johan is responsible for the general management at Van Peperzeel and the Used battery logistics. For many years van Peperzeel is working for the Dutch compliance schemes like Stibat (Batteries) and ARN (end of life vehicles). Furthermore Van Peperzeel is working for large OEM’s European wide. Both in the field of reverse logistics and sorting of the batteries. He is an expert in transportation of dangerous goods and member of subcommittee TDG-UN. Johan is well-known as an expert in Developing fire extinguisher solutions for lithium and Li-ion batteries. Together with partners he has developed secure compartmentalized storage containers for (lithium and Li-ion) batteries. Johan is chairman of European Battery Recycling association (EBRA) and member of the Steering Committee ICBR.